An Apple a day keeps the doctor away - My First Gym

Kids naturally love to play, whether it be at school with friends, at home with mum and dad or through self-exploration within the environment around them. They have a hunger for new experiences and challenges so it’s important we provide them with a safe, fun and friendly environment in which they can feed that hunger.

We do so with the mantra that we will provide them with an APPLE every day – Active Play and Physical Literacy Everyday! A. P. P. L. E.

Young children learn by doing, and ‘active play’ includes both structured and unstructured activities. Structured play is when an adult creates a stimulating environment in which children are encouraged to explore. But what can be defined as “structured” differs depending on the age of the child.

Our programs, coaches and environment will provide a progressive structure for active play relative to their age, that ensures the children are engaged physically, inspired to move and become more physically literate everyday. Kids who repetitively engage in active play will build mastery, gain confidence and skills to move in different ways.

Our indoor space provides a variety of stimulating equipment such as balls, cones, skipping ropes, hoops, low balance beams, soft and hard surfaces, ramps and small climbing structures. We will provide the opportunity and exposure to movement and skill development, and allow the kids to explore their physical curiosity and “play” whilst inspiring movement.

Our coaches will support the children’s exploration through engagement; by being active role models, participating in the play themselves and demonstrating different ways of playing. For example, it is not essential that pre-school children throw a ball with the correct arm and body movements. Instead, it’s important that they are confident about throwing and rolling balls in a variety of different ways. Technical throwing skills will develop when children are older and if they’ve learned that they can continue to progress and have fun in doing so!

A stimulating environment encourages children to be active, explore their abilities, challenges them to lead the learning process, whilst building relationships and encouraging them to feel motivated to move, developing both confidence and competence. With your child engaged in the inspiring MFG environment, an APPLE a day will lay the foundation for a life full of happiness and movement!