News - My First Gym


myfirstgym’s blog posts

kidding around yoga

kidding around yoga

Mindfulness can be taught from any age, why not start them young? What is mindfulness? ‘Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity and without judgement’. Usually mediation and yoga is the most common practice of mindfulness, also...

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a letter to mum

a letter to mum

Can you believe it’s that time of year again? Mother’s Day is just around the corner and as far as I am concerned it’s as special as Christmas Day! Mumma’s it is true, the days are long (especially from 3:30pm onwards) but the years are short. You do so much that goes...

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Gamification, I choose you!

Gamification, I choose you!

What is Gamification? Did you or your kids ever play Pokemon Go! - the massive craze that dominated summer of 2016. This app was created primarily with the concept of getting players to walk great distances to increase their physical activity. This is gamification,...

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tips for staying cool this summer

tips for staying cool this summer

Summer can get up to highs of 48℃, resulting in us parents frantically, always looking for ways to stay cool (or in other words, how to stop the kids moaning!). December through to February is just unbearably hot, humid, and downright uncomfortable.   We’ve...

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